Dark Force (all versions)
English Translation:
makokichi, Chess Piece Face (DeJap)
Spanish Translation:
Kyo Edy, Atrox
French Translation:
Version A: Bitos, Elfe Noire, Fei, Lag, Meradrin (Final Translation)
Version B: Bahamut, Readiosys (Terminus Translation)
Swedish Translation:
Sanite, Hyuga (General CoolNES Translations)
Finnish Translation:
Bisqwit, Warp
German Translation:
Blade, Kammedo, Ruesselschnurps (Enigma Translations)
Italian Translation:
Berserk, Vito, WinterSea
Brazilian Translation:
SandMan, Parn, Renato
Portuguese Translation:
Ed-, Sardaukar Siet
Chinese Translation:
NetMapel, Inertia
Danish Translation:
2short, Thorn, Sungam
Russian Translation:
daNIL, Rover
Norwegian Translation:
Mike Haggar (Just4Fun Translations)
Greek Translation:
Slovenian Translation:
Dutch Translation:
*-=çRôwMëî$Tèr=-*, Bertulosius, Tha_Mastah, Luke Tacz, Huan Hguyen
Latvian Translation:
Iron Bolt
Vietnamese Translation:
Daoism, Chrono_2005, ZionMagus, Bloody Angel, Levido
Special Thanks:
Lord Tech
Neill Corlett
Programming | 90% |
ENG Translation | 100% |
Script Editing | 95% |
Graphics Editing | 95% |
Overall | 95% |
| |
ESP Translation | 100% |
FR1 Translation | 100% |
FR2 Translation | 100% |
SWE Translation | 100% |
FIN Translation | 100% |
GER Translation | 50% |
ITL Translation | 10% |
BRZ Translation | 100% |
PTG Translation | 50% |
CHN Translation | 30% |
DAN Translation | 10% |
RUS Translation | 70% |
NOR Translation | 100% |
GRK Translation | 10% |
SLV Translation | 5% |
DUT Translation | 100% |
LTV Translation | 10% |
VTN Translation | 15% |
Beta Patch Release Old
English Version 1.2 Final New!
French Beta Version A (FT)
French Beta Version B (TT)
ToP ROM Format Convertors Use to run the rom on a copier
GameFAQs for ToP
GCT (Swedish)
Bisqwit (Finnish)
Enigma (German)
FT ToP Page (French)
TT ToP Page (French)
ToP Page (Danish)
Just4Fun (Norwegian)
ToP Page (Vietnamese)
Tales of Phantasia Information Center
Tales of Phantasia Shrine
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About the Tales of Phantasia Translation
1. What is this patch available for download?
If you're impatient and just want to play, skip to section 5.
This is the patch which was distributed all over the net by people who either leaked it or who happened to come across it and decided to share it with everyone else.
It is an old beta, not the final.
2. When did the project begin and how long has it been going on?
The script was dumped by Dark Force in 1997. The
main text was translated during Chess Piece Face and Makokichi's spring
break in 1999. The rest of the text was translated in the following few
weeks, then revisions began. Since then, Dark Force has implemented all
the text modes, and variable width font. Reinserting
the script was not easy because of Tales' compression scheme.
3. When will the translation be ready for release?
We really don't know. We both work full time and
take classes, so finding time and energy can be problematic. All we can
say is that we want to have the translation finished just as much as
you - probobaly even more than you do.
4. Will the voice samples in Tales of Phantasia be translated?
There are currently no plans to do this, as the
only real japanese language is in the oprning quote and song.
Addionally, Tales uses a software voice driver to link many samples
into one smooth sound, meaning each voice sample would have to be
spliced many times and reinserted (the opening song is in the
neighbourhood of 1200 samples).
5. Why did you wait so long to release a patch?
Our original hope with this translation was to
release it in it's entirety, as a finished product, but due to previous
problems with a unscrupulous beta tester leaking the patch and several
other immoral folks out there posting the patch (some even claiming it
as their own work), we decided to provide the public with the leaked
beta patch. The patch that is currently available for download is in no
way representative of the current progress of the translation, as it is
well over a year old. Our recommendation is that you don't even bother with this patch and wait for the final release,
as the beta has many bugs present that will be fixed in the final
patch. When the final patch is released it will be everything the
translation ought to be. For this reason, no e-mails with
questions regarding bugs in the beta patch will be acknowledged.